“International R&D Project Market in the Turkish Textile and Ready-Made Sector” organized by the Uludag Textile Exporters Union (UTEU), opened its doors for the 6th time with 248 different technical textile projects which come from all quarters of the world.
“International R&D Project Market in the Turkish Textile and Ready-Made Sector” organized by the Uludag Textile Exporters Union (UTEU) and supported by the Ministry of Economy, the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TEA), the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) and the Bursa Eskisehir Bilecik Development Agency (BEBDA) opened its doors in Bursa for the 6th time with 248 different projects which come from all quarters of the world and which are considered as valuable for exhibition. Technical and functional textiles exhibited in the project market were classified as Vehicle Textiles, Home Technical Textiles, Construction Textiles, Protective and Military Textiles and Functional Dressing Textiles. The President of the UTEU and the BCCI, İbrahim Burkay who gave a speech in the opening ceremony underlined that they served as a model for all sectors with the project market started by them 6 years ago. Burkay who emphasized that one can climb to the higher league by research and development of the innovative products with high value added said that “We cannot develop without research. When we do not develop, we cannot compete at the global scale. Our project market is the result of this vision.”
Burkay said that it is pleasing that the resources allocated to the R&D by Turkey have been increasing regularly for the last 10 years. Burkay who indicated that they wish to rise to the level of the developed countries in this sense emphasized the importance of the factor productivity in matters like growth, development and current account deficit.
İbrahim Burkay mentioned about the 6 year story of the project market in his speech. Burkay who reminded that they started the way with 67 national projects in the works started by them in order to gather the national and international projects with the investors in the technical and functional textiles and to make them gained by the sector said that 343 national and international projects in total applied to the activity made in this year. Burkay explained that “81 of the projects exhibited in the last 5 years drew interest and steps were taken for implementation by getting a material support of approximately 20 million liras. Our target is to increase these figure to higher levels.”
In the Project Market, for the first time, this year, the companies participating in the Textile Innovation League of Turkey obtained their rewards. In addition to the companies participating in the League and ranking as the top 10, Kordsa Global Company became the champion of this league organized for the first time in the sectoral sense got its coup. Furthermore, 9 Eylul University that provided the highest participation to the design competition organized within the coverage of the activity and Süleyman Demirel University that sent the highest number of projects to the Project Market were rewarded.