SIGNnternational Advertising Industry and Digital Technologies Fair Sign Istanbul – organised by IFO Fair Organization Inc, a subsidiary of England-headquartered Tarsus Group PLC – is ready for the 15th meeting.
Fully-allocated fair does the honours for 430 exhibitors from 30 countries this year. In the direction of advertisement sector; digital printing technologies, textile printing and screen printing technolo gies, LED products, indoor and outdoor LED screens, CNC and laser routers, Display systems, Printing materials, Selling point solutions, sign materials, Flag and Streamers, Advertisement application centres, software and all innovations relevant to the industrial advertisements are exhibited altogether at SIGN Istanbul, bearing the title of being “the largest trade activity organized every year in its field, including Europe” for 15 years and one of the global fair brands of Turkey. While Sign Istanbul which will take place at the Tuyap Fair Center becomes prominent as the latest advertising and promotional technologies fair before 2014 local elections, it hosts such innovations as “Ziyaretçi Meclisi (Visitor’s Council) and Reklam Atölyesi (Advertisement Workshop). Being the most colourful fair organization in which product and service varieties in the field of industrial advertisement are shown with visual shows, Sing Istanbul opens its doors for the 15th time on November 28. Advertising agency authorities, firm representatives giving advertisement, administrators of SMI requesting to create corporate identity, architects and engineers, digital printing centres, retail material producers, machine and material exporters, industrial advertisement producer academicians and students will have the chance of the latest innovations relevant to the advertisement at SIGN Istanbul.
SIGN Istanbul – the fair at which the newest products and technologies of domestic and foreign firms will realise the world launching – hosts such innovations such as “Ziyaretçi Meclisi” and “Reklam Atölyesi”. Comprised of province representatives chosen among the industrial advertisement producers who have regularly visited SIGN Istanbul for four years, Ziyaretçi Meclisi will simultaneously organize its first meeting with the fair dated November 28- December 1, 2013. Another innovation of the fair will be Reklam Atölyesi. In this workshop; industrial advertisement production such as digital printing, sign, Led, screen printing will be realised. Thereby, SIGN Istanbul visitors will have the chance of seeing on site how and in which way the needed advertisement materials are produced.
SIGN Istanbul also includes the latest innovations relevant to the digital printing technologies, one of the fundamental elements of industrial advertisement. Providing the opportunity of transferring required designs into all kinds of floors from folio to fabric, from glass to metal, from plastics to wooden; digital printing offers a critical advantage from the point of made-to-measure firms in particular. Therefore; SIGN Istanbul comes to forefronts as a fair that should certainly be visited by the sector firms such as structure, furniture, decoration, textile, automotive sectors which gravitate towards made-to-measure design in order to shine out in the competition. SING Istanbul offers the most convenient cost-effective advertisements to the SMIs that want to institutionalize, to introduce itself to the external world and to create competitive capacity in this way. SMIs, which transform production, selling and service points into its brand’s face and advertisement medium with industrial advertisement applications, raise awareness with convenient budgets in comparison with mass medium. Various new technologies that facilitate SMIs’ work are exhibited at the fair.