Pre-registrations to get a free visitor badge to FESPA Eurasia Fair to be held for the first time this year by FESPA has started. FESPA Eurasia 2013 will be held at CNR Expo in Istanbul between the dates of 3 -5 October, 2013.For FESPA 2013, the visitors who pre-register before August 31st, 2013 get a chance to win 2 free nights’ accomodation at a five star hotel during the fair. The visitors to make their on-line pre-registries will get their visitor badges via e-mail and thus be able to enter the fair ground easily. Meanwhile, the visitors who make pre-register for the fair will be informed about the developments and important updates before the fair. FESPA Eurasia carrying the feature of being the first FESPA to be held in Eurasia Region on a 15.000 sqm fair ground is expected to attract up to 8.000 visitors from Turkey and the countries around. From FESPA 2013 London, 10% of total fair ground has been sold and so, 80% of total fair ground has already been assigned before 2 months to the fair. Among the visitors who have pre-registered to the fair to be held for the first time
recently, there are companies like Alniz, Anka Serigrafi, Arioli, Caldera, Folpa, Lidya Grup, MS Italy, Pimms, Tecpro and Xerox. Selçuk Aygüler, General Manager of Pimms said, “Being one of the brands that we believe who organizes first class fairs, we follow FESPA Fairs globally. We are looking forward to welcome our visitors and customers at FESPA Eurasia 2013 which we believe that it will provide positive effects to Turkish market.Turkey and the neighborhood economies are growing markets for printing industry and FESPA Fairs draw more attention day by day around this region. Turkey is among the first 15 countries that took place in both FESPA 2013 and FESPA Digital 2012. FESPA has taken an investment decision at the amount of 475.000 EURO to support the sector in Turkey and the regions around. The investments focus on the development of important sector relations, information flow and market knowledge to be shared with the printing sector in the region within the ‘Profit for Purpose’ application of FESPA.Halil Eligür, President of ARED (Açık Hava Reklamcıları Derneği),the Sign Association of Turkey being a member of FESPA and fair partner remarked, “We have received a great interest for the participation to FESPA Eurasia by many companies. In line with this demand, we extended the fair ground in February. This great interest paid to the fair to be held for the first time is a sign to the need to a FESPA Fair appealing to the region more. Neil Felton, Managing Director of FESPA said, “After FESPA 2013 London, our sales for fair stands within FESPA Eurasia have accelerated; we signed contracts with 20 new participants occupying more than 1000 sqm area. As is the case with all FESPA Fairs, FESPA Eurasia will be not only a high quality FESPA organization but also a fair consisting of a training program in accordance with the philosophy of FESPA.