Organized in cooperation with SPOT Chemical Co., Global Coating & Technical Textiles department and Turkey deal of Tanatex Chemicals BV company and ITKIB ITA continuing to provide technical support to the textile industry at full steam, the seminar was in order to share knowledge of Tanatex with the industry by focusing textile techniques becoming important every passing day in Turkey, exchange ideas for production of value-added textile, provide both practical and theoretical knowledge for companies which not make coating fabric production but plan to invest in this area. Informing yesterday, today and future predictions about textile fabric coating applications, Selcuk Berkem of SM Consulting firm made the introduction speech.Peter Van Brunschot, Technical Project Manager Coating at Tanatex Chemicals shared detailed theoretical and practical knowledge about coating technology with participants at the first part of the presentation. He informed about parameters need to be considered and types of knives should be used in knife-on-air system, knife over roller, pattern and foam coating pro
cess in detail. He shared results of the comparison in terms of performance on fabric after coating of polyurethane and acrylic which are utilized in both technical textiles and coatings for fashion with the participants. Tanatex product is an outstanding wetting and penetration agent for wood katreatment and coatings, approved by several global players, including leading binder producers, in their guiding formulations for treatments and coatings.Theo Breugelmansinformed about technical textiles structures, application areas and standards to be need. These products are especially designed for coating of synthetic outdoor fabrics. TANA®COAT OMP is to be applied as soft basecoat and TANA®COAT MTO as medium hard topcoat. The end-products show high light fastness and UV resistance, very good resistant to hydrolysis and the final coating will be resistant against mildew and fungus. When the basecoat is replaced by its TANA®COAT RL 1149 the end article, under specific conditions, can be extended with the technical advantage of being halogen free flame retardant.USP’s have resistant to all weather conditions, good adhesion to PA & PES based substrates, high light fastness & UV resistance and resistant against mildew and fungus. Other properties are that they ensure high flexibility, even under cold conditions, resulting in soft articles but with high scratch resistance. They show good hydrolysis resistance and good shear stability. They are self-crosslinking and excellent suitable for e.g. lightweight multipurpose canopies and tent material.Bayscent Neutralizer
owes this feature to its ability to prevent the odor caused by bacteria and mite and thus offering you a healthy sleep environment. Bayscent decreases vapor pressure of odors at a very high level and hence permanently eliminates the effect. Thanks to Neutralizer, you sleep without unwanted odors and wake up refreshed. It is soft touch, permanent neutralization of bad odor on fabric and washing resistant. Cold feet will be a thing of the past, HOT2 will help to keep you warm during cold circumstances.Mark Loodewijk, Technical Textiles Coordinator, and Nurgül Bayram, laboratory supervisor of SPOT Kimya A.S shared practical information about production of coatings on a sample coating machine line with the industry after the
theoretical training with the support of ITA R & D center. TANA®COAT OMP and TANA®COAT MTO: These products are especially designed for coating of synthetic outdoor fabrics. TANA®COAT OMP is to be applied as soft basecoat and TANA®COAT MTO as medium hard topcoat. The end products show high light fastness and UV resistance, very good resistant to hydrolysis and the final coating will be resistant against mildew and fungus.