Aras-TeksKimya providing a considerable amount of printing chemicals that the Turkish textile sector needs continues to put the products produced by leading firms in their field in the world into the service of Turkish textile sector.
Mr. PeykanDündar, Board Chairman of Aras-TeksKimya, stating that all the products released to the market are ecological and environment-friendly, answered our questions at Fespa Eurasia Fair being organized for the first time in Turkey. Can you share your opinions about the Fespa Fair which was held in Turkey for the first time?
“Fespa Fairs which has been held in Europe for years are closely followed by me due to the participation of the companies which we represent. Although it was held in Turkey for the first time, I can say that this one is better than the fair organized in London if I were to make a comparison. As many people weren’t able to come to London and England is an expensive country. I am of the opinion that the Fespa organizators have carried this event to Istanbul because the fair which was held in London was not as efficient as they expected. The purpose and objective here is to reach a larger mass more economically. Looking at the situation, an extremely right decision was taken in terms of the facts that the countries in the Middle East don’t have visa problem for entering Turkey, Europeans can easily arrive at Turkey and Turkey is an economical country. Together with those, Fespa has a handicap. If they have an idea of holding this fair in Istanbul each year, they will make a mistake. The participation and crowd at the fair which was organized for the first time were satisfying but nobody knows whether this will continue each year or not. Moreover, as the amount paid for stand is high, not any firm will be able to meet this. Therefore, I think that the fair shouldn’t be organized each year. Considering Turkey’s conditions, the best idea is to organize the fair once in two years. People should be curious about the developing technology. The interest to the fair was great. There were too many visitors from abroad. Visitors from different countries like especially Bulgaria, Poland, Iran, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Mexico and Pakistan visited our stand and took a close interest in our products. We are satisfied with the fair but we can obtain the results in two or three months. We are providing A plus and ecologic products to the textile sector.”
What are the innovations in Ares-Teks?
“For years, we have been providing service with quality products which Turkish textile sector needs. Recently, we added two world-famous brands within our body. One of them is Spanish Oxi Color and the other one is SCS which has Malesian origin. While Oxi Color prefers to be in Turkish market with its water-based products, SCS wants to serve in the field of silicones. All the companies that we work together are the ones which have proved themselves ecologically. We introduced our new products at Fespa for the first time. They receive a great interest. We think that we will have a chance to work with world famous companies thanks to these products. Because the supervisors of all major purchase groups talked to us. The products of these both companies are able to meet the requirements for the test reports of world-famous brands such as Nike, Adidas, Li Fung and Puma. CSC is also authorized us to market their products in the entire Europe and Middle Eastern countries.” Can you give us more information about these new companies?
Mr. Volkan Görmüşler, Aras-Teks Technical and Sales Manager gave us information about the new distributorships and products of these companies. “CSC is a 25 years old company. It pays great attention to R&D. Their all products are ecologic and in compliance with the standards. They have two types of silicone being opaque and transparent. They have a special dye which is again produced by them. This dye doesn’t contain binding agent in no way. It binds to the fabric through only nano-technology. As it doesn’t create a film layer, rubbing and washing fastness are very low. It is made of completely ecologic and renewable palm oil and biodegradable. As you all know, silicone is a material which can be printed on any kind of product. This material gives a great fastness to washing. This is an unprecedented product. Having a strong fastness degree, it is preferred mostly by sportswear brands. And Oxi Color is a binder producer company and has close relationship with Cromogania. Cromogania is the biggest binder producer in Europe. This company produces binders of any type for all the sectors. Oxi Color is the subsidiary company of Cromogania and produces chemicals for printing. Our products have ecological discharge among them. This discharge satisfies the test reports of kids wear group. In general, the amount determined for babies’ wear is 10 pp but our product is under 3 pp. ıt is rumored that until 2014, formaldehyde will be dropped under 16 pp. we are already ready for this standard. That’s why the revision of the standard will not affect us that much. We are paying strict attention to providing the best with all our products and make our decisions according to this target.”