Aksa Akrilik obtained 2 billions USD savings per year with the AES (Advanced Energy Solutions) Project which they performed. Within the scope of AES (Advanced Energy Solutions) Project, the first performance of the advanced process control methods which contribute to the operational excellence at the power plants has been performed
by Aksa Akrilik in Turkey. The project which has been performed with Honeywell which is the leading technology firm of the industry, took the first place over 50 implementations and over 10 countries in different countinents with the soonest ‘return’ time. While 2 millions USD savings are made per year with the project, the productivity of power plant that belongs to Aksa Akrilik is also increased. By means of AES (Advanced Energy Solutions) Project that the units of the power plants belong to Aksa Akrilik are optimized, the changes on the steam request have been met in a secure way by using the coal bunker and by providing stabilization during the energy production. As a result of the project that provides the increasement of steam generation heat by using the same fuel quantity, the turbine power generation has been increased 180 kw hour. By minimizing the ineffectiveness based on pressure relief, power generation in the tiribunes has been increased 400 kw hour. In addition to this, by deactivating a steam generator which has been ativated for the system security, together with this project, it has been provided 110 kw hour power energy savings and hindered thermal lose. By using advanced process control techniques in the flue gas cleaning systems, it has been obtained positive results with AES (Advanced Energy Solutions) Project. It will be provided to keep the emission value of the flue gas cleaning systems under the legal limitations continuously hereafter due to improved automation systems.