BASF believes that innovation and R & D has great importance to achieve 22 billion EBITDA (earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization) expected to be achieved in 2020.
The “Biz kimya üretiyoruz dünya turu” (We create chemistry world tour) where BASF exhibits the innovative solutions in 10 different areas brings together a community which is consist of business partners, customers, journalists, NGO representatives, employees and university students. The interactive exhibition is designed to assist BASF stakeholders in order to test the comprehensive range of products and technologies that satisfy the present and future needs of the society. BASF promotes 10 different innovations including crop protection products, electro-mobility solutions, modern insulation materials and sustainable concrete technologies within the scope of event. The participants who visited to 10 different BASF stands which include AgCelence, Consumer Driven Innovation (Tüketici Odaklı İnovasyon), Ecoflex – Ecovio, Elastopave, eMobility (Electro-mobility, Modern Insulation (Modern Yalıtım), New Concrete Technology (Yeni Beton teknolojisi), Pure Balance, smart forvision and Windy Future (Rüzgarlı gelecek) themes, received detailed information from the authorities about the solutions offered by BASF.
BASF has increased its R&D expenses to 1,7 billion EURO’s in 2012 although it was 1,6 billion EURO’s in 2011. It is stated that; this increase is related to the target of restructuring BASF researches more closely to the global markets and customer sectors. BASF research team which introduced more than 250 new products to the market in 2012, has also upgraded its innovative power to a new level of performance. While there were 10.000 employees working in R & D departments of BASF companies all over the world in 2011; this number has reached to 10.500 employees in 2012 and this increase corresponds 3.9% increase. BASF, which carries out 3000 different projects through these employees, continues its leadership in the chemical sector strengthening its technology in R&D and innovation areas. Volker Hammes, Head of BASF Turkey, Middle East & North Africa and CEO of BASF Türk, shared his ideas about the event and he said: “In 2050, more than nine billion people will be living on this planet. This population growth will bring many opportunities especially in chemical industry as well as it will bring huge global challenges. Chemistry based innovations will play an important role in addressing global challenges. As BASF, we are pleased to host the “Biz kimya üretiyoruz dünya turu” (We create chemistry world tour) where the invited business partners, press and students from all over Turkey students has the opportunity to experience some of our innovations. The tour exhibits 10 BASF solutions which are designed to meet the needs of today and tomorrow and introduced to the market a short while ago “. As chemistry improves the quality of life and plays a key role to overcome the future challenges with innovative and sustainable solutions which protects, the environment and the climate and the natural sources; BASF executes know that innovation is the key for long-term success. As an integrated global chemical company, BASF has a unique position and considers the economic success, social responsibility and the protection of the environment as a whole.